1. Pass tis quiz to 10 people
2. Who is 6 havinq relationship with?
-- Calvin.
3. Is 9 a female or male ?
-- Female of course larhs ._.
4. If 7 n 10 toqether , will it a qood thinq ?
-- Unless 10 is sinqle ???
5. Whart is 2 studyinq about ?
-- Book ba???
6. Whn was th last tym u had a chat with 3 ?
-- Last 1yr ???? ._.
7. What kind of music band does 8 like ?
-- Idk ><
8. Does 1 haf any slibinqs ?
-- Dun haf ba >< (i tin la)
9. Will u woo 3 ?
-- Unless i m a quy -.-
10. How about 7 ?
-- Die oso won tin about it. he is my friend -.-
11. Is 4 sinqle ?
-- Np. she attached ;D
12. What is th surname of 5 ?
-- Not sure ><
13. Whart is the hobby if 4 ?
-- Audi ?
14. Does 5 n 9 qet alonq with ?
-- They dunnoe each other los ._.
15. Whr is 2 studyinq at ?
-- Senqkanq sec :]
16. Whart does 1 casaually talk about ?
-- Keep talk about funny tins . LOLS
17. Have u tried developinq feelinq fer 8 ?
-- I nort les ehs x.x
18. Whr does 9 livinq at ?
-- West coast ?
19. Whart colour does 4 like ?
-- Not sure x.x
20. Are 5 n 1 best friends ?
-- Np. they dunnoe each other oso los.
21. Does 7 like 2 ?
-- Np at all. los.
22. How did u qet to noe 2 ?
-- Thouqh audi <333
23. Does 1 have any pets ?
-- Think have ba ._.
24. Is 7 the sexiest person in th world ?
-- If he is , i banq wall. los ><